Entering the world of success starts from the real estate market in Turkey

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Turkey is the center of attraction for Arab and foreign investors, with many investment opportunities available, which vary between commercial investment, industrial investment, or real estate investment which has become attracting many investors around the world, hence, it became clear to us that entering the world of success begins with real estate market in Turkey.

Real estate market in Turkey

The real estate and construction market in Turkey has recently witnessed great growth and prosperity, and one of the most important factors that distinguish the Turkish real estate market is that it is an emerging and strong market, and it is the second best and strongest of the construction markets in the world.

Turkey ranks fourth among the ten most important real estate investment sites in the world, due to its infrastructure, thanks to the government facilities granted to foreign investors wishing to own property.

The Turkish geographical location plays a major role for the world, which made Turkey a destination for investments, thus becoming the gateway between East and West.

For this reason, it was able to encourage many to buy apartments in Turkey and Istanbul strongly, which makes it a right and successful decision for many.

Why invest in real estate in Turkey?

The interest by the foreign investor in Turkey is based on a basic pillar, namely, the search for apartments in Turkey, given Turkey's strategic location, and being one of the world's first economic powers, In addition to its huge population, which gives it a huge segment of consumers and labor at the same time.

As well as the infrastructure projects carried out by the government and greatly affect the real estate markets within Turkey, for example, Istanbul Airport, which is the largest airport in the world and has been opened recently, and the new Istanbul Canal.

Real estate investment in Türkiye

Factors affecting real estate investment in Turkey:

There are many factors that greatly affect the purchase of apartments in Turkey or any other property in Turkey, of various types.

First: the balance between the apartments for sale in Turkey and the intensity of demand for them by investors.

Second: Turkey's geographical location, and the location of the properties offered for sale from this site.

Third: The total area of ​​the real estate or the area of ​​the apartments offered for sale.

Fourth: The Turkish economy, and the extent of the country's development in terms of economy and climate, which is considered the fastest among the countries of the world.

Fifth: The weather, nature and many other natural factors that characterize Turkey.

Sixth: General legislation and real estate laws, where Turkey has many legislative texts related to foreign ownership of real estate, as well as the flexibility of these Turkish real estate legislation, which was enacted in favor of foreigners and Arabs wishing to buy real estate for the purpose of investing in Turkey. .

Seventh: Profits and benefits expected to be obtained by purchasing real estate in Turkey, and the benefits accruing from owning such real estate.

Eighth: Different lifestyles, due to Turkey's success in blending Eastern and Western cultures.

Successful options in real estate investment

Real estate investment options in Turkey vary, and you can invest in a large number of apartments that differ in terms of types and specifications and come as follows.

hotel apartments

These apartments are characterized by the hotel style and the possibility of renting them quickly, in addition to being a tourist city that attracts many tourists throughout the year, which makes the choice of apartments with the hotel system a successful choice.

The construction companies of the hotel complexes also play a major role in giving these hotel apartments a rental guarantee for a large number of years as well as an excellent profit return.

office apartments

These office apartments can provide an excellent return on profits, as this type of real estate is characterized by the ease of leasing and documenting a long-term contract, This is due to several reasons, including that the tenant establishes his own office or workplace, which makes his stay in this type of apartment for many years, so as not to lose regular customers to visit his headquarters site.

Properties under construction

If you want to buy apartments, we advise you to buy a property within a project under construction, due to several reasons, including that the purchase price of this property is much lower than its price after the completion of all construction and finishing works, therefore, the return on the buyer from buying this property and then reselling it again will be very large and may range between 25% and 35%.

Real estate market in Turkey

buy shops

You can invest in Turkey by buying a shop, and then renting it to someone, Choosing to buy a shop is one of the right decisions for a successful investment, especially because these shops were able to turn into a strong front that reflects the development of the Turkish economy, and comprehensive reforms that show their fruits in strong infrastructure, as well as giant and solid transportation networks, And a lot of commercial transactions that move away completely from the images of bureaucracy.

There are many criteria that must be relied upon in the case of purchasing commercial stores, whether the purpose is leasing or selling. These criteria depend mainly on choosing the appropriate location for the store, according to the type of commercial transactions that will be conducted in it. Its location must be close to the city's location.

It is necessary to stay away from remote areas in the event of choosing the location of the commercial store, and the necessity of avoiding isolated places or far from public facilities, services, transportation and the main roads leading to the city.

As well as the availability of many transport stations to facilitate access to customers coming to it without difficulty or trouble.

Student housing as an investment

Huge numbers of university facilities are being built in Turkey annually, in order to receive the large numbers of students coming to it from all over the world to study there, and to benefit from the modern academic training that is ahead of other universities in the world.

In view of this huge demand, the need for independent university housing has become a necessity for many Arab and foreign students who want a solution to the problem of shelter and housing.

The reason for this is the insufficient number of public university quarters for the large number of students.

The importance of investing in Turkey?

Turkey has been positioned as one of the countries of successful investments of all kinds, but the real launch of any successful investment starts with real estate due to several reasons, most notably the following:

The strength of the interrelationship between investment and the state's economy, especially from the developmental activity that Turkey is witnessing.

It is considered one of the real estate investment environments in Europe and the Middle East as a whole.

Its properties are similar to other properties in developed countries around the world, and it is one of the largest sectors, in terms of development, growth and profit.

Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards

Turkey is a first-class real estate investment country, due to the great developments that have taken place in it, making entry into the world of success for any investor who starts from the real estate market in Turkey.

The best opportunities and special real estate offers that you can get when you contact us..our consultants are waiting for you.




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