The gross area and net area of ​​real estate in Turkey

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We will explore more about the gross and net area of ​​real estate in Turkey, and how these two values ​​can impact real estate purchases and investments in this beautiful and diverse country and we will also reveal the differences between the concepts, and how foreign buyers and investors can benefit from a clear understanding of these two values ​​to make informed decisions about purchasing property in Turkey.


The difference between the gross area and the net area of ​​real estate in Turkey:

In general, square meters are the standard for measuring the total area of ​​real estate in Turkey and the square meter is measured by measuring the exterior walls of the real estate unit, and this measurement includes all the closed and unenclosed space inside the property, including the unused spaces located between the interior walls and square meters simply reflect the size of the property regardless of whether all spaces are used or unused.

Net square meter is considered the actual area available for use within real estate in Turkey and it is calculated by excluding unusable spaces from the total area of ​​the property and usable areas are calculated in net square meters from the finished interior surface of walls surrounding a property, and exclude any area bounded by structural columns, columns or finished exterior surfaces.


When calculating the net square footage of a property, all rooms, living rooms, toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and balconies are counted to determine the actual space available for use within it and this measure contributes to determining the efficiency of using space in the property and its real estate value, as it simply displays space that can be used effectively and beneficially to buyers, helping them make informed and appropriate purchasing decisions.



Advantages of buying real estate in Turkey :


  1. Turkey offers a variety of properties including apartments, villas, traditional houses and farms.
  2. Prices in Turkey are reasonable compared to many European countries.
  3. Real estate purchases in Turkey are easy and simple.

By purchasing a property in Turkey , you can benefit from long-term residency.

  1. You can rent the property and increase your income from it.
  2. The real estate market in Turkey is active and increasing rapidly.
  3. Turkey has a strong and stable economy.

Many properties in Turkey are new and modern.

  1. Turkey offers wonderful landscapes such as beaches and mountains.
  2. Turkey is a famous tourist destination that attracts many visitors.
  3. Turkey has a rich history and culture.
  4. It is considered a safe country to invest and live.
  5. Turks are known for their hospitality and friendliness.
  6. Türkiye offers a low cost of living compared to many European countries.
  7. Turkey offers high quality international schools.
  8. Advanced healthcare system.
  9. An advanced transportation network facilitates movement within the country.

Many tourist attractions such as Hagia Sophia and the Bosphorus.

Purchasing property in Turkey can provide an opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship.

  1. Turkey welcomes foreign investments.
  2. Foreigners can obtain financing from Turkish banks.
  3. Low property taxes compared to many other countries.
  4. Turkey allows dual citizenship.
  5. Turkey is a mixture of cultures and religions.
  6. Turkey provides opportunities to invest in the tourism sector.
  7. Properties can be purchased on wonderful beaches.
  8. Turkey is known for its strategic location and regional influence.
  9. Foreigners can buy real estate entirely without restrictions in Turkey.

Buying a property in Türkiye


Information you should know before buying real estate in Turkey:


  1. A building permit is a basic permit granted by local authorities to developers to allow them to build and this license requires compliance with the laws and regulations regarding construction operations in Turkey.
  2. Gross area and net area are two crucial factors to understand the difference between the total area of ​​an apartment and the net area, as the total area includes all internal and external spaces, including utilities, while the net area is the actual space that can be used inside the apartment.
  3. Conducting a soil study is essential to ensure the safety and stability of construction on the ground, and this is especially important in new construction areas.
  4. The quality and type of materials used in the construction process must be checked to ensure durability and quality.
  5. Choosing the appropriate location for the project includes considering its proximity to public transportation and basic facilities such as schools, hospitals, and commercial centers.
  6. The floor title deed for the property must be verified to confirm your legal ownership.
  7. Check the availability of an electric generator and water pumps to avoid problems with electricity and water outages.
  8. The type and efficiency of the heating system and the quality of thermal insulation must be checked for optimal comfort.
  9. View construction revenues and services provided to residents by the project management.
  10. Do careful research and explore the real estate market in various regions of Turkey to understand the prices and offers available.
  11. Determine your budget carefully and make sure it matches the value of the property you intend to purchase.
  12. Visit the property in Turkey that you wish to buy in person to verify its condition and conformity to the declared specifications.
  13. Obtain an independent appraisal of the property from a reputable real estate expert to verify that you are not overpaying for its actual value.
  14. Verify that there are no liens or legal issues affecting the property.

Study the laws and conditions for purchasing real estate in Turkey to understand your rights and financial obligations.

  1. If the property is part of a residential or commercial project, review the project details and specifications.
  2. Choose a suitable location that meets your needs and achieves the desired return on investment.
  3. Ensure the availability of basic facilities and services surrounding the property such as schools, hospitals and commercial centres.
  4. Try to negotiate the price of the property to get the best deal possible.
  5. Visit the property at different times of the day and week to get an accurate assessment.
  6. Make sure you understand all taxes and fees associated with your purchase.
  7. Check the validity of the title documents and make sure they protect your rights as a buyer.
  8. Do not hesitate to consult a professional real estate attorney before signing any documents to ensure your rights are protected.



In conclusion, understanding the gross area and net area of ​​real estate in Turkey becomes crucial when searching for a home or real estate investment, whereas the gross area represents the realism of the property and expresses the overall size, the net area reveals the actual space available for use that meets your needs and goals and attention to detail contributes to an informed investment decision and ensures you get the most out of your property.





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