Residential Complexes in Turkey 2022

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Turkey has recently witnessed a large spread of residential complexes in order to accommodate the great demand by tourists and real estate investors

These complexes have been designed in the latest and most sophisticated way to suit foreign taste and gain the highest degree of acclaim.

Advantages of residential complexes in Turkey:

By purchasing a property within the residential complexes, you can benefit from an integrated set of services and advantages provided by the residential complexes:

*Permanent protection and guarding:

The residential complexes are characterized by a high level of protection and security, as they are designed to be surrounded by a fence on all sides, with a main door to the complex equipped with guards all the time. He is not a resident unless he proves his relationship with one of the residents of the complex, and the fence is equipped with a protection system and cameras distributed everywhere, in addition to many other safety means such as the alarm system, fire extinguishing and other means that ensure maintaining the security and protection of the complex and all its residents.

Geographical location:

Construction companies take care of choosing the optimal location for the residential complex so as to achieve the best view of most of the apartments within it, given the importance of the view in evaluating the importance of the investment apartment and increasing its preference for housing. In general, the location of the complex is chosen that is closest to important projects and infrastructure, especially the proximity to the available means of transportation in the area surrounding the complex, in order to provide a comfortable transportation for the residents of the complex to the various surrounding areas.

Many companies are also heading to build complexes in areas that attract tourists, in order to increase the importance of the location and increase the investment value of the apartments within the complex.

*Various recreational services:

What distinguishes residential complexes in Turkey is the interest in the entertainment aspect within it, as it includes many common entertainment services, for example:

-Indoor and outdoor pools


-Sports clubs

-Children's playgrounds


-Private parking

-Turkish bath

-Sauna bath

-Restaurants and cafes

-Guest reception halls

-Special lanes for cycling.

Recreational services vary from one complex to another, as well as many other types.

Residential complexes in Turkey

*Shopping services:

Residential complexes in Turkeyare often built near large commercial centers or popular shopping centers because of their importance in increasing the vitality within the region and increasing the activity of life within the complex

In some cases, a mall for the residential complex or a commercial center are established within it.

*Construction Specifications:

The apartments of the residential complexes are considered the most high-quality in the real estate market in Turkey thanks to the interest in choosing the best building materials and relying on international standards in the construction of residential complexes, with attention to safety and security standards against natural disasters. The buildings are constructed to be resistant to earthquakes and climatic fluctuations.

The buildings in the residential complexes are also distinguished by the fact that they were designed according to the technology of heat and cold resistance and sound insulation to ensure that residents enjoy the tranquility of their apartments away from the noise of the ocean.

The construction companies did not neglect to take care of the exterior design, which is chosen with great accuracy, with attention to the interior finishes and all the details related to the space, and the rooms are distributed and organized in a way that ensures the optimal use of the space.


The construction companies cannot neglect the point that directly affects the quality of life in the residential complexes, and the most important thing in evaluating the apartments of the complex for real estate investment is transportation.

Therefore, we notice the spread of complexes in areas distinguished by a strong transportation network or close to the metro or metro bus line or any of the means of transportation that provide a more practical and more comfortable life in transportation and travel, where the prices of the apartments of the complexes closest to transportation are higher than other apartments. In general, most companies provide a private transportation line for the complex that connects it with the nearby transportation lines in the surrounding area to ensure easier daily transportation for its residents.

*Schools and universities:

Schools and universities are important attractions for real estate investors and people wishing to reside and settle. Therefore, most residential complexes are built in areas that provide a diversity of schools and universities and meet the needs of most of its residents.

*Hospitals and medical clinics:

One of the basic needs and the necessity required in the area of ​​residence and one of the important points in real estate investment, so choosing a site that provides a multiplicity of hospitals and a diversity of medical clinics and health centers enriches the importance of the location of the residential complex for its residents and investors.

return on investment

The apartments of the residential complexes are characterized by a high investment return due to the great demand for them by foreigners, because they provide the security and protection they desire, and because of the modernity of their services that meet their aspirations for a good life.

It is clear that the residential complexes in Turkey have succeeded in securing the most stable and more luxurious integrated life due to the attention to the many necessary and secondary details in life.

Management in residential complexes:

Residential complexes in Turkey are distinguished by the fact that all of their real estate and facilities are under the supervision of the administration responsible for the complex, where this department performs its tasks according to the laws of the Turkish government that define the methods of managing the complexes.

The administration manages the work of all facilities of all kinds within the complex to ensure that they continue to provide the best services to the residents of the complex, including cleaning, permanent maintenance and management of public facilities.

The administration is responsible for any malfunctions in the apartments and is interested in updating and maintaining various facilities and services, including protection systems, to ensure the continuation of its optimal service.

-Monthly revenue paid for services:

Residents of residential complexes are charged a monthly fee for the various services that are provided within the complex. These fees are determined according to the Floor Ownership Law, where these returns are distributed as follows:

-50% for the staff

-25% is allocated as regular maintenance

-25% is allocated as expenses for managing the housing complex.

Services in the complexes that require payment of monthly returns:

It includes basic and entertainment services, which are:

-Security and protection service

-Delivery service inside and outside the apartment complex

-Entertainment Services

-Swimming pools and gyms

-Central heating service

-Cleaning services for the various facilities in the complex, while maintaining the cleanliness of the drawers.

H water service

-In addition to the monthly bills for the consumption of water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and internet.

Residential complexes in Turkey

Cons of living in apartment complexes:

There are some negatives imposed by life within residential complexes, including:

Limited options:

One of the disadvantages of living in residential complexes is that you do not have the freedom to choose the services you want, as they are predetermined and shared by all residents of the complex.

Distance from the city center:

The locations of the residential complexes are often chosen so as to provide the highest degree of tranquility, and this requires their distance from the city center, which many residents find faulty, because especially the workers in the city centers, who require additional time and efforts to reach their work center daily.

The prices:

DifferentReal estate prices vary between one residential complex and another due to the different services provided within the complexes, but in general, none of these complexes is devoid of any kind of services whose availability results in an increase in the prices of apartments within the complex.

In general, the prices of real estate and apartments within the residential complex are higher than outside it. It has the monthly fees required of the residents of the complexes. In sum, residential complexes have their advantages over some disadvantages whose importance varies for different people, while everyone agrees on the importance of the advantages to securing a good life.


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