Real Estate Investment in the Countryside of Istanbul

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There is no doubt that real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul has also become one of the ideal options for foreign investors from all over the world, which raised its status is and made the world's eyes turn to it, as the population in it is increasing significantly and its prices are also likely to rise at this time.
We are pleased to take you on an interesting tour to learn all about real estate ownership in the countryside.


Advantages of real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul:

Istanbul is one of the most important and best real estate investment options in Turkey, as it includes many advantages that have been credited with increasing the importance of the city's countryside, we will present to you some of them through this paragraph:


First, enjoying peace and quietness:

It was distinguished by its pure air, far from pollution, crowding, and noise unlike the city center. Everyone prefers it because of its calmness, especially in the early morning, especially in the simple and charming beauty.


Second: Attracting a large number of tourists:

Also, the countryside of Istanbul has become more preferred by tourists for the presence of many picturesque landscapes, because of its luxury and beauty and its distance from the complexities of other cities, and you always find its residents preserving their customs and traditions, as it is the most appropriate at all if the tourist wants to see the civilization of Istanbul.


Third: A good healthy environment:

The elderly in the countryside of Istanbul can maintain their health in light of the recent epidemics such as the Corona virus and others.


Fourth: Low real estate prices:

The real estate within it was characterized by its low prices, as it suits all budgets and most groups of society, and therefore you will be able to live in its countryside with low costs of living and at the same time you can enjoy the landscapes spread there, in addition to cheap real estate prices, which encourages for real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul. Despite this, you can find a suitable property for obtaining Turkish citizenship, a search whose price has exceeded four hundred thousand dollars.


Real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul and its financial returns:

Some foreigners and investors are reluctant to enter and venture into real estate investment in rural homes, thinking that it does not get an amazing financial return, but the truth is not so, but it includes many reasons, the most important of which are:


First - its tourism excellence:

The Turkish countryside is of interest to foreign and Arab tourists and is considered one of the best choices for them as a result of the picturesque nature it enjoys, specifically the villages and countryside in Istanbul.


Second - Occupying a part of the Turkish state's attention:

These places are not only enjoying the interest of tourists, but the Turkish state itself as well, as it constantly seeks to develop them and bring about an urban boom and urban transformation through urban development plans, which means an increase in demand for rural houses on the one hand and an increase in their investment and real estate value on the other hand.


Third - Achieving high investment returns:

You will not find an investment that will make you much better than real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul, whether by renting it to a tourist or by selling it after a short period to guarantee a higher price.


Fourth - Agricultural Business:

You can take advantage of its fertile soil to grow different types of agricultural crops to achieve self-sufficiency or even enter the field of agriculture and agricultural investment.


Fifthly - poultry farming:

When living in rural houses, you can raise poultry and animals such as horses, sheep, cows and many other useful animals that you can invest in.


Prices of country houses in Istanbul:

If we want to talk in general, the prices of real estate located in the suburbs and villages are low and almost nothing if we want to make a simple comparison between them and the price of houses in one of the developing Turkish cities, but you have to take into account that even rural houses differ slightly from one house to another due to several factors that play a very important role in determining the financial value, we will present to you some of these factors as follows:

Real Estate Investment in the Countryside of Istanbul

First - the strategic location:

There is no doubt that the location of rural houses in Istanbul directly determines their price, and when the real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul is close to the service avenues, for example, but not limited to (transportation), it is certainly the best, in addition, it contains schools, universities and hospitals which have an important role in this, and it is necessary to ask about these elements when buying a home, as they are considered one of the main factors that affect the prices of rural homes. We also almost forget to talk about the city's status, which also plays an important role in determining the price of real estate in terms of its good standing, history, vitality, and its enjoyment of services such as electricity, water, and many others.


Second - its internal structure and decoration:

As we all know that houses with finishes and decorations increase in price automatically, and that the weakness of building materials and the noticeable deterioration of finishes and decoration also make its price low.


Third - the area:

It is very important in determining prices, homes that have large areas, in addition to the areas of land included in the house, have high prices compared to those that have very small areas.


Fourth - Views:

There is also no doubt that the views play an important role in determining the price, for example, those that are directly close to the sea, their price differs from those that overlook the forests and also significantly different compared to those houses with normal views of streets, gardens, and others.


Fifth - Infrastructure:

The presence of sewage equipment, plumbing equipment, heating, electricity, optical fibers, and floor covering materials increases the value of real estate investment in the Istanbul countryside.


The best areas for real estate investment in Istanbul countryside:

Real estate is located in the countryside of Istanbul within several areas, the most important of which are:


First - Silivri area:

This region is characterized by its rural character, but this does not mean that it does not enjoy a brilliant urban development and expansion, which was the reason for attracting investors and tourists from all over the world, in addition to major merchants and the wealthy class of Turks. It is also far from Istanbul by approximately 65 km, do not forget that it has a developed and modern transportation network, in addition to its location on the highway, which increased the transportation flexibility in it.


Second - Arnavutkoy area:

This area, located in the European section of Istanbul, is one of the most important tourist and investment sites, because it has a charming view of the Black Sea. In addition, it is an essential source of fresh water that feeds the city.
This promising area is one of the most prominent interests of Arab and foreign investors who preferred to buy real estate in it where many families prefer to live and settle in a quiet environment away from the noise, city traffic and pollution, they preferred to live in Arnavutkoy, which has a distinctive rural character mixed with historical civilization and picturesque nature.



Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

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– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

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– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards


Real estate investment in the countryside of Istanbul, which we talked about above, has attracted many investors recently. Also, this environment is suitable for housing and stability because of the privacy and independence it provides for its residents, and most importantly, the availability of adjacent green spaces for better and healthier living.


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