Real Estate Investment in Turkey… A Golden Opportunity

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Turkey is the best country in the world in various types of investments, and the most superior country in real estate investment، Turkey's superiority in real estate investment is due to many reasons and factors.

In our article today, we will talk about everything related to real estate investment in Turkey from various aspects, the most important characteristic of this investment and what are the factors affecting it.


Why is real estate investment in Turkey a golden opportunity?

The Turkish government has sought to attract foreign investors to it, and encouraged them to direct their investment plans towards its real estate, as a result of the facilities and advantages it provided for real estate investment in Turkey.

Among the most important of these advantages and facilities:


Real estate residency:

The Turkish government has granted real estate residencyto foreign investors on its land, which allows them to stay on Turkish lands and enjoy many citizenship rights, it is a renewable residency every two years.

The Turkish government did not confine the residency to the investor only, but granted it to his wife and children with him.

Turkish Citizenship:

Which is considered one of the most important features of real estate investment in Turkey, and the most important advantages.

This is due to the importance of Turkish citizenship, and the benefit it brings to its holder.

The most important advantages of Turkish citizenship:

Turkish citizenshipgrants its holder the right to live on its land without residency

-Entry and exit to and from Turkey without a visa.

-Enjoying the full rights of Turkish citizens, including free education and treatment.

-The right to own, sell and buy over Turkish lands.

-The right to work and invest in various fields of investment in Turkey.

-The right to participate in elections like any Turkish citizen, and the right to apply for candidacy.

-Turkish citizenship enables its holder to work in state jobs, and to access special positions that Turkish citizens cannot occupy.

-Getting a pension is the same as for Turkish citizens.

However, the Turkish government stipulated that the real estate investor must have a minimum value of 400,000 $ of his property or group of properties.

We recall that the Turkish government granted the real estate investor the right to give Turkish citizenship to his wife and children under 18 years of age.

Real estate investment in Turkey

Turkish passport:

After getting Turkish citizenship, its holder will be able to apply for a Turkish passport, which is one of the most important types of passports in the world.

The Turkish passport holder will be able to enjoy all its advantages, including:

A Turkish passport grants its holder the right to enter 64 countries without a visa,، and to enter 26 Schengen countries.

-The Turkish passport holder can travel to 46 countries and get a visa upon arrival.

-The Turkish passport holder can get an electronic visa via the Internet for 5 countries.

-Turkish passport holders are exempted from university fees in universities granted to Turkish citizens


Real estate appraisal:

The Turkish government sought to secure a safe real estate investment for real estate investors on its lands, so it issued the Real Estate Appraisal Law.

It required the existence of a real estate appraisal document to complete the process of transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer, which is a document obtained from a real estate expert affiliated with the Turkish government, or an expert or real estate company holding a license to grant real estate appraisal recognized by the government.

The evaluation document states all the specifications related to the property, such as location, view, area, and surrounding services. It also includes an evaluation of the real price due to the property.

In this way, it protects foreign investors from the risk of real estate fraud, as a result of their lack of experience in real estate prices in Turkey, and their variation in specifications.

-The Turkish government has also provided many facilities to foreign investors, in order to attract the largest number of them.

-It amended the tax law, and reduced the tax rate from 18% to 7 or 8%.

-It thus equalized between foreign investors and Turkish citizens in taxes.

-Among the facilities provided by the Turkish government, it abolished the reciprocity law, which stipulates "preventing ownership over Turkish lands for citizens of countries whose countries do not allow Turkish citizens to own property on their lands," thus opening the doors for investment to many foreign investors from different countries.

-The Turkish government has allowed foreign investors to own various types of real estate, including residential, commercial and agricultural properties.

It is clear that the advantages of real estate investment in Turkey have increased its importance and made it an unmissable opportunity.

Some of the factors that guarantee you a successful real estate investment:

There are many factors that contribute to the success of real estate investment and ensure that it achieves a lot of profits.

Urban movement:

-Heading towards the areas that are witnessing the spread and development of the construction movement.

-These areas will witness an increase in real estate prices and population.

Thus, it guarantees a successful real estate investment through the increase in the value of capital on the one hand, and the ease of renting the property on the other.


The real estate investor cannot lose sight of the importance of the location, as it is the main controller of the success of real estate investment.

-Heading to the sites near the city centers, and the vital centers, as it guarantees you guaranteed monthly investment returns and a double capital. It also guarantees you double the capital.

-Approach the important projects, as these areas are witnessing success in various types of investments, will witness a large turnout from various groups, and ensure the high prices of real estate in them.

-Available services of various kinds around the real estate, as their availability in certain areas is associated with real estate investment activity in those areas.


It is the most important point in choosing the location. A region cannot achieve success in real estate investment if it does not guarantee the availability of transportation and ease of movement to and from that region.


Your knowledge of real estate prices in Turkey, housing projects, and the most important updates on real estate laws can guarantee you success in your real estate investment.

-Hiring an expert:

It is preferable to seek the assistance of a real estate expert or a reliable real estate company, as it saves the investor time and effort,

and the assistance it provides in choosing the most appropriate property for the investment he seeks, in addition to informing the company of all the latest laws related to Turkish real estate, and all the necessary procedures for ownership.

It can also protect the investor from real estate fraud.

Points related to real estate investment in Turkey:

The results of real estate investment in Turkey are guaranteed:

-This is due to the development and prosperity that Turkey is witnessing in the economy. The Turkish economy has become one of the most important economies in the world. This in turn increases the importance of Turkey in real estate investment.

-A strong economy ensures that the real estate investment market remains safe from the various changes that may occur.

Diversity of options:

Turkey guarantees investors a wide choice of diversified real estate investments.

-This increases the interest of real estate investors to invest in Turkish lands due to the many possibilities available with the freedom to choose between them.

Purchase by installment:

The foreign real estate investor can start his investment by buying a property in Turkey in installments.

-There will be no change in the benefits that the real estate investor gets if he had purchased his property for cash.

This, in turn, contributes to opening doors to new and large numbers of investors.

The installment methods:

-Bank installment:

In this case, the property is purchased through the bank, where it pays the full amount to the seller, and installments to the buyer, with fixed monthly payments determined in advance, with a mortgage sign on the property.

-Through private construction companies that offer installment purchase offers.

We remind that attention should be paid to the credibility of the company and the validity of contracts.

-Installment through social guarantee projects, which are projects set up by the Turkish government in cooperation with private construction companies,

which provides the opportunity for foreign investors to buy real estate in cash or by installments.

-It also allows the possibility of signing two types of contracts, the first is related to a short installment period, and the second is linked to a long installment period.

Zoom Real Estate company offers you:

-Free consultations and important tips to help you in the journey of buying a property in Turkey

Luxury real estate for sale in Istanbul, Ankara and all Turkish cities.

Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for Turkish citizenship.

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Zoom real estate is always here for you, contact us.

Real estate investment in Turkey can open new horizons of success for the investor,، and if you want to get a successful investment opportunity, you should contact our real estate consultant to help you get the right opportunity.

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