real estate prices in Turkey

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The Turkish real estate market is today the largest market in the world, due to the record leaps it has achieved since the past years, have achieved real estate prices in Turkeyunprecedented leaps, and Turkey is considered one of the best and most powerful countries economically, due to being an active and distinguished member within the group of the 20 most powerful countries in the world, especially after its GDP for the year 2017 exceeded about 851 billion dollars, and the value of foreign investments exceeded nearly 10.9 billion dollars, in addition to the presence of more than 58 thousand foreign companies on Turkish soil.

Real estate in Turkey:

National efforts and geographical location are one of the important reasons for achieving great achievements and increasing the demand for apartments and houses in an exaggerated manner.

Although the prices in it are not equal to the real value of real estate, it is expected to increase in the future to new levels and multiply, and will achieve more tremendous profits.

Apartment prices in Turkey:

The prices of apartments in Turkey have increased significantly, and that was after the issuance of the foreign ownership law in Turkey since 2012, after investors of various foreign and Arab nationalities could own real estate in Turkey, and these laws were positively amended. Many offers and facilities provided by the government have been put in place, in order to encourage investors to quickly buy apartments and real estate in Turkey, in a desire to obtain Turkish citizenshipfrom this developed country.

It also provides several methods of payment, including paying the amount in parts (installments), so that all segments of society can buy real estate, whether the purpose of the purchase is stability or investment in the long term.

There is no doubt that the economic, political and social stability in Turkey achieves that real estate maintains its prices, as well as its rise after a period of time.

Real estate prices in Turkey

Turkish citizenship for foreigners:

As a foreign investor, you can obtain Turkish citizenship by purchasing real estate for the amount of 400,000 US dollars, or buying more than one property, with a total amount already paid of 400,000 dollars or more.

A law has been issued in the previous period, through which the foreign investor has the right to submit an application for naturalization, and this includes all foreign and Arab nationalities.

Conditions that must be followed to apply for citizenship:

One of the most prominent of these conditions is that the property is purchased through a native Turkish citizen, not a foreign person, and the property is not sold before 3 years have passed.

The amount of the property must be transferred by bank transfer, and it is also necessary to make a comprehensive evaluation of the property, in order to indicate its market value (papers needed to complete the registration of Tapu in real estate sales to foreigners in Turkey).

The evaluation process must also be carried out by some companies licensed by the Turkish government.

Apartment prices in Turkey:

What distinguishes Turkey most is the low prices of its excellent properties compared to Arab and European countries, which attracted Arab investors to buy apartments in Turkey, which are cheaper on the one hand, and allow you to obtain Turkish citizenship on the other hand.

As for Istanbul, the economic capital of Turkey and the largest city in the world in terms of population density, you can buy an apartment in an excellent location for a small amount of money, with the possibility of increasing its price when it is ready for housing.

When you look at the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, you will find that the opportunities available in them do not exist compared to the rest of the other countries.

It also gives you great rental returns, so it is considered the highest in the region, and one of the American newspapers revealed real estate prices, and explained that they are lower than the real estate prices of Western Europe and Eastern Europe.

price-determining factors:

There are several factors on the basis of which the price of the property is determined, regardless of its type, between an apartment, villa, office or building, and this is what we will learn about in the following lines.

First: the importance of the city

The price of real estate in Turkey depends on the strategic importance of the city and its tourist, commercial and industrial advantages.

In addition to the city's proximity or distance from the sea, and the natural features that distinguish it from others.

Turkey is considered one of the most important and famous countries, because of its seas, monuments and entertainment services, which makes it the most expensive city in terms of real estate prices and living costs.


Second: the location of the apartment

The price of each apartment differs from the other, and that depends on its location in the city. If the apartment overlooks the sea or is close to palaces and museums, this confirms that its price will increase twice as much.

As well as the proximity of the apartment to the city center, or service places and main streets, and this directly affects its price.


Third: Apartment specifications

The specifications of the apartment are the first factor in determining its price, based on the size of the rooms, the number of bathrooms in them and the area of ​​each one, the number of balconies, and whether the apartment is sunny from the inside, as well as the year of construction in which the property in which the apartment is located, and the floor number, the readiness of housing for residence in it, the quality of the clothing, and many other reasons.

Factors that determine the price of real estate in Turkey:

From what we have mentioned to you, we can say that a small amount may be enough to buy a reasonable apartment in Istanbul, or any city in a Turkish state.

So far, Turkey is considered one of the countries with low real estate prices if we compare it to other countries.

It is likely that in the coming periods, the real estate construction sector in Turkey will grow even more, It is also possible that profits will double in the future, especially in light of attracting investors from countries around the world.

And there are still many large places in Turkey that have not invested properly so far, but at the moment, it is the focus of the attention of many investors around the world, due to several reasons, including the prestigious value and the promising strategic location.

The most important measure of price growth in Turkey is the new statistics that have estimated what Istanbul needs, at least two million new housing units.

Therefore, government and private construction companies are still interested in building new housing projects.


Why to choose zoom real estate company for a real estate investment trip in Turkey ?

–  helping you finding suitable properties for real estate investment and obtaining Turkish citizenship.

– We offer extensive real estate services in Antalya, where we have

Villas for sale in Antalya with the most beautiful views in addition to all types of residential, commercial and hotel properties .

– Our services extend to various areas of Istanbul where you can find luxury properties for sale that meet your wishes.

– We have properties for sale in Turkey in installments .

– Investing in earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and ensuring the best service standards


And here we have come to the conclusion of our topic in which we talked to you about real estate prices in Turkey, so we have provided you with a complete and detailed guide to the average prices in Turkey and the wonderful cities that it includes, and we have explained to you the most important factors affecting the prices of apartments and the advantages that an investor can obtain in Turkey, and what is the difference between the prices of real estate in Turkey and the prices of real estate in Europe.




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