Secrets of Success in the Real Estate Market in Turkey

137 مشاهدة

The real estate market in Turkey has always been characterized by luxury and sophistication until it has become prestigious from all sides, and it has achieved great successes, manifested in abundant profits.


The reason for the success of the real estate market in Turkey:

There is no doubt that behind this impressive success in the real estate sector in the Turkish state are many reasons that it is necessary to be aware of, which are as follows:


First - Turkey's location:

Turkey is famous for its strategic location between the continent of Europe and the countries of the Middle East, which has increased its importance even more because it contains the famous Bosphorus Strait through which thousands of ships pass daily, not to mention its proximity to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, which facilitated the movement of goods exchange between it and the neighboring countries. What encouraged the development of trade and industry in Turkey.


Second - the beauty of Turkey:

The beauty of Turkey and its containment of many green landscapes such as forests, mountains and others positively affected the real estate market in Turkey and contributed to the increase in demand for it. Who among us does not want to own a property with a glorious view?

Real estate market in Turkey

Third - Competitive real estate prices:

Real estate prices in Turkey have caught the attention of many investors and foreigners. Despite their differences, they are cheap and moderate if we want to compare them with real estate prices in one of the developed European countries.


Fourth - The prosperous Turkish economy:

The economic growth that Turkey witnessed in the recent period has led to a great demand for its real estate from entrepreneurs and foreigners to settle in the Turkish state and transfer their projects and investments to it.


Fifth, the incentives offered by Turkey:

After the Turkish state abolished the reciprocity law, all foreigners and investors have Turkish citizenship through several methods, the most famous of real estate investment by buying a property in Turkey that has reached a minimum price of four hundred thousand US dollars, but there are some conditions that must be adhered to, the most important of which is not to sell the property until at least three years have passed since the date of its purchase, and the seller must be Turkish, whether it is a construction company or a Turkish citizen.
Among the incentives that the Turkish state also provides to foreigners and investors is the possibility of getting real estate residency, which helps them greatly in the movement to and from Turkey, and is obtained by buying a property in a luxury city at a price of at least seventy-five thousand dollars, while in ordinary and r cities that are unequipped with various services, the financial value of the property must have reached fifty US dollars as a minimum and preferably more than that.
In the context of our discussion of the encouragements and facilities that Turkey provides to those wishing to own property in its lands, we must refer to the tax exemptions that have contributed to attracting a good number of foreign and Arab investors.


Sixth: Profits from real estate investment:

When you buy a property within the borders of the Turkish state, you will get abundant profits, and their percentage will vary depending on the way in which the real estate was invested, and later we will mention the most important of those ways.


The most successful real estate investment methods in Turkey:

To ensure that your property makes a lot of profits, you should follow one of the following investment methods:

Real estate investment in Türkiye

First - Renting out the property :

One of the most successful real estate investment methods in Turkey is to offer the property for rent, and therefore your share of the profits will be a fixed monthly return, but while implementing this method, do not forget to be careful in choosing an ideal location for the property, closer the property is to the tourist places, the higher its rent and vice versa, and the city in which it is located also has an important role in raising or lowering the amount due for your residency there, as well as the matter in the distance or proximity of the property to service facilities.


Second - Reselling the property:

The method of selling the property after buying it is a very popular method and most investors use it to increase their profits, but you have to be aware of the conditions of the Turkish real estate market and monitor it well, and once the prices rise, you sell it and thus you will find that the proceeds of your money have increased.


Third - Investment in commercial real estate:

Turkey has become the destination of East and West in order to search for commercial real estate to launch investment activities, as Turkey is crowded with various commercial real estate such as offices, shops, and others. As for the way to invest it, it is by renting it, reselling it, or even taking it as a place of work.
But for the success of this method, there are some things that need to be taken into consideration, which is that the commercial property is located in the city center or near it. It is important to be in a place crowded with pedestrians, and there must be public transportation next to the property to make it easy to reach without trouble, and do not forget to protect your property from fraud and theft by providing a twenty-four hour security system using modern technologies such as surveillance cameras.


Fourth - Investment in hotel apartments:

This method guarantees you various benefits, as most foreign and Arab tourists come to it, many of them prefer to stay in it during their stay in the territory of the Turkish state. . It guarantees the tourist a comfortable stay and thus it has made a large percentage of the profits.


Fifthly - Investment in the lands of Turkey:

This method brings you abundant profits, as the prices of land in Turkey are somewhat cheaper than its real estate, and this is a positive point in your favor. You can buy it and then build real estate on it, regardless of the high success rate that you achieve, you will be able to build it to your taste and choose the best primary building materials. You can also make this land a restaurant or a huge shopping center, and in all of these cases, the profits and money resulting from it are high and you have real wealth, but you must be careful of one thing, which is to make sure that the land you bought was registered for the residential purpose in the possession title document or known In the name of “Tapu” in Turkey.
The real estate market in Turkey contains a huge list of diverse options that are admired by all tastes and suit all budgets of groups of society, which made the demand for these properties increase continuously, as having one of them has become a haven for many investors, foreigners and entrepreneurs.


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